We're excited to introduce our latest iPhone 16 mockups, featuring a new camera side button, and brand new colors. Now fully compatible with Figma!

iPhone 16 - 24 Mockups Scenes - PSD & FIG
Includes iPhone 16 - 24 Mockups Scenes - PSD and 1 Figma file. (All the scenes that you will see in the 2nd and 3rd picture are included).
Each PSD Mockup has 5 Default Colors - Ultramarine, Teal, Pink, White and Black.
Each PSD Mockup has 3 different shadows - Flat, Floor Shadow & Floating Shadow.
Each PSD Mockup is very well organized and easy to use.
You can hide the SIM card (Optional) at the left angle of the phone.
You can create your own scene.
Customizable background. All assets are separated from the background.
Min Resolution .PSD - 7000x4800 (300 DPI) / Max Resolution File 15460x10000 (300 DPI).
Compatible with Adobe Photoshop and (New) Figma.
Note: NOT included Wallpapers or UI used. Is it only for preview images.